Newporter 40 Together

a beautiful boat should sail forever.


        Located center of old transom by bisecting old knee paint lines. Then drew a couple of perpendiculars out to the sides to see if distance from bottom of luan (base line) was equal on both sides. . Put a couple of screws along center axis to maintan position, then walked to one side and traced, then the other.  Checked distance from traced corners to baseline - both identical. Cut out template.

Install temporary "shutter board" on bottom of apron to support template ( and real thing latter on. The shutter board is the last 3/4' board that goes on the bottom of the apron, actually layer 7, only from the end of the deadwood to the end of the apron, and 1 7/8" past the apron - even with the sides -. The shutter board fills in the space on the apron between the sides)

      Seemed to fit well enough, except that port corner may be a little low, and I started a little low with the tracing on the luan, so I will have to add a small piece to the bottom of the template. (see photos)

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Comment by Hans Petrie on July 18, 2011 at 12:34am
I too have done a fair amount of transom work, splicing in a lot of new plywood to replace rotten section on both port and starboard upper sides.  Strangely the ply was only rotten on the outside.  I was able to dig it down to a layer that was clean and good.  I then fiberglassed over everything in place.  I guess I was fortunate that I didn't have to replace the whole thing because this looks like a major rebuild...  I'm always just trying to squeeze a few more years out of things rather than do a total rebuild.

            LINKS ===============


Muf, our Keeper of the Roster, has updated it.  But he still needs information on boats out there that he doesn't have, like new owners, old owners, where any of the boats are.  We don't post the roster on the web site, it is only sent to owners.  Please send him anything you might have, or call him at:   

909 561 4245


Captain Clyde's Newporter  sites:


The Ning site has been given a reprieve.   I have  transferred my Ning site to the blogspot site and will leave it there. I am keeping my Ning site open as a home for my photos and drawings.

Many of my photos there do not relate to Newporters, but a search through my collection may prove useful for your studies.

My drawings are not accurate in many respects as a result of the PAINT program used to draw them, There is no accurate scale and at best they are only useful to indicate some specific detail.  Some are inaccurate because of my poor memory.  Use them to help you think, not as a detailed presentation of the subject matter.

If any of you want to start a web site I suggest you remember what has happened to both my Ning site and this site (which is a Ning site) and remember that my Blogspot site is free and Blogspot's owner (Google) has promised to keep it that way.


Clyde's email: 

Put 'Newporter' on Subject Line.  Email is the best way to contact me.  I do not regularly look at this site or its messaging system.  Email will get to me post-haste. 


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