Newporter 40 Together

a beautiful boat should sail forever.

We listed Leprechaun (Hull 70) on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace on Saturday afternoon and she sold Monday morning for a full price offer! Thank you Jesus! It was all Him. We had 14 interested people checking out the boat, when I arrived down there Monday, there were 2 people, both wanting to buy her!

The new owner had never been on anything larger than a dinghy and paid me cash and right afterwards left the dock just him and his dog to take her south from Morro Bay, to LA harbor 200+ miles away, God bless him, the journey includes rounding Point Conception,(the Cape Horn of the west coast) 

He just texted me that he had made it past Pt Conception and was just passing Ventura harbor and plans to make it to his new home port today. We were ready to not have to maintain a big boat, we still keep 2 skiffs but I'll rest easier, anytime we have high winds, it used to worry me, our slip was not in a very protected marina and I've seen 4' waves bashing the boat against the dock, we had the large 24" ball type fenders and it would toss those fenders on top of the dock and wore a section of the hull down to the wood, not good. No we won't miss keeping a big boat here in Morro Bay!

I have a friend that just last week brought home his brand new Island Packet 349 and my neighbor has a beautiful Moody 41, I'l just have to sail on other peoples boats, not quite the same but a much cheaper alternative.

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Muf, our Keeper of the Roster, has updated it.  But he still needs information on boats out there that he doesn't have, like new owners, old owners, where any of the boats are.  We don't post the roster on the web site, it is only sent to owners.  Please send him anything you might have, or call him at:   

909 561 4245


Captain Clyde's Newporter  sites:


The Ning site has been given a reprieve.   I have  transferred my Ning site to the blogspot site and will leave it there. I am keeping my Ning site open as a home for my photos and drawings.

Many of my photos there do not relate to Newporters, but a search through my collection may prove useful for your studies.

My drawings are not accurate in many respects as a result of the PAINT program used to draw them, There is no accurate scale and at best they are only useful to indicate some specific detail.  Some are inaccurate because of my poor memory.  Use them to help you think, not as a detailed presentation of the subject matter.

If any of you want to start a web site I suggest you remember what has happened to both my Ning site and this site (which is a Ning site) and remember that my Blogspot site is free and Blogspot's owner (Google) has promised to keep it that way.


Clyde's email: 

Put 'Newporter' on Subject Line.  Email is the best way to contact me.  I do not regularly look at this site or its messaging system.  Email will get to me post-haste. 


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