Clyde A. Phillips was a foreman at the Newporter boatyard in New Jersy. His knowledge and understanding of Newporter 40's, as well as his willingness to share with everyone, is an invaluable resource for us all.
Any information from Clyde, regardless of where else it might appear on the site, will also appear on the "Information from Clyde Phillips" BLOG, readily available to everyone. The blog format was chosen because it is easiest to organize and to add accumulating information.
If anyone has additional Clyde Phillips information, you can put it in a FORUM, and I will copy, without disturbing your forum, and put the copy in the Clyde information blog as well.
Thanks for the help on this important documentation.
Masts (emails, and diagrams, Mast Construction Paper)
Bilge Drainage (email)
Mast Step, Rake of Masts, Keelson Repair (emails and diagrams)
"Drawings of Sails" Forum Comment
General Comments on Construction Sequence, Boatyard Experiences, and Accessing Floor Bolts (Email)
Finger Joint in Chine Area Diagram
Insight into deck/cabin side junction
Historic and Technical Comments on Newporter Boatyards
Stem/keelson intersection
Propeller Shaft Dimensions
Furling Hooks and Eyes on Booms
Mizzen Sail Rigging
Ballast Keel Configurations (email)
Chine and planking information
Clyde Discusses Lightening Protection on Newporters
Frame Sawing, and a Little History
Mast Construction
1-1/8 inches thick Sitka spruce, vertical grain
3-1/2 inches wide for side staves
5-1/2 inches wide for forward and aft staves
Unless you can get pieces forty feet long you will need to join enough pieces by scarfing. We used a scarf ratio of 12:1, giving a 13.5 inch scarf. Ack always insisted on keeping scarf joins separated (though even with urea formaldehyde glue I found that the joints were stronger than the wood).
You will not have the convenience of having several hundred lineal feet of spruce to choose from, so figure your joint placement before you order (if you can, find out from a supplier what lengths you can get). Ack also insisted on the top of the joint be inside the mast. I think that was to allow water to run down the mast without going up into the joint (two layers of fiberglass should take care of that). Your choice. Mine would be to follow Ack, but that’s the tradition (that started when such was necessary). Remember, keep it all straight at the joints. But curved wood can be straightened during glue-up and clamping (and so can joints that set up not quite straight).
After joining all the scarfs you should have four pieces 40 feet long, two 3.5 and two 5.5 inches wide. Next step (not counting fixing up a glue-up jig which will be discussed later) is to taper each piece. Only the top 8 feet are tapered. If the
side to side width is not given on your copy of the mast plan, one of you can take a trip to the main mast head for some measurements, or, if you have it, measure the old mizzen head fitting. The diagram illustrates two (old and new) shapes we
used. I think the new shape was to prevent the halyard wearing away the fiberglass under the slot (it exposes more of the sheave). After the mast is glued up the head area was customized for the head fitting that would be used on it. (Did I say somewhere that most of our fittings were made ‘in house?’) The head fittings were made of steel straps bent to shape, welded, and then galvanized. It’s the galvanizing that made us fit the head to the fitting rather than the fitting to
the head. It’s an art, not a science, because the wood had to be shaped before it was fiberglassed, so we had to guess how much glass to allow for (and some other gent would be putting the glass on!).
The taper on the forward and after pieces is toward the centerline. On the side pieces all the taper come off the forward edge. The after piece is the only one that is straight from step to top—for the sail track.
Now, let’s step back and take a breath. We should now have four pieces a little over 38 feet long, each are tapered. Next step is making the rabbets on the forward and aft pieces. First, draw a line parallel to, and 1-1/8th inches from, each edge, full length, on the inner surfaces (remember the scarf glue line runs down the mast from inside out, high, to the outside, low). This guides you in putting down the glue and placing the plywood. Ack was the only boat builder I’ve run into that uses this method of rabbeting. But it works and is easier. If you prefer real rabbets and cut them in at a quarter in depth your side pieces need to be four inches wide.
Take a sheet of quarter inch plywood and cut ten 8 foot strips no wider than 3-¼ inches wide. They could be narrower, but not by much—just a wee bit (if you don’t know by how much, relax. I never did either. If you are a little hesitant, go for 3-¼ inches). I liked to allow the forward and after pieces be a little full proud of the side pieces (this is done with the slightly narrower plywood). It’s easier to sand down the edges (total of 2-1/4 inches) than to sand down the 3-1/2 inches of the side pieces.
Take a couple of these plywood strip and temporarily brad them to the very top of the pieces (in the area of taper). Using whatever marking guide you used to mark the guide lines, mark the plywood and cut the tapers. Now you can glue the plywood to the spruce. Keep glue off the areas where glue will go later when you assemble the mast.
Solid blocking goes at the foot, the head, at the “partner” bolted to the doghouse top, and at the thru bolted tangs for the lower shrouds (as I remember it). The blocking is the same width as the plywood forming the ‘rabbets’ and as high (the mast is now laying down on its after face) as the width of the side pieces minus the plywood and glue. The lengths are as given on the mast plan. The tops of the blocking below the head are cut at an angle to shed water (if any gets in) to the front of the mast. A channel for wiring (and drainage) is cut on the forward face down the center of each block all the way to the end. Pure guess time: this channel is ½ x ¾ inch, wide and deep—check the plan. We painted the tops of the blocks and the channels (after the blocks were glued down and before the wire was put in) with Quigley’s #9 black paint. Ack’s choice. It is (was?) for painting metal, light weight so it seeped in good, messy, and a slow, very slow, in drying.
Assembly of the mast begins with gluing the blocks to the after piece. We would toenail (with small nails) the ends to prevent sliding on the glue, and clamping them in place to dry. Keep them centered on the plywood (edges flush). After the glue sets install the wiring. What wiring? Whatever you want. Antenna lead-in for one. Any lights that you may want, horn on forward face, etc. Design your wiring harness to accommodate your needs and figure where you want each wire to exit the mast. If you plan for all wires to exit the after face you can do all the wiring before you start gluing. Keep in mind all fasteners and bolts used in completing the rigging as you plan the wiring. Drill holes of the size that will allow the wire to pass through but tight enough to hold the wire until you dig it out. The wire ends should be flush with the outside surface of the mast. The lower ends of the wires exit the forward piece at a point just below the cockpit sole (my memory again, I think that is above the bottom solid block, check it out). The upper ends exit where you need them. But remember, have enough wire at the ends to pull them out and be long enough to reach whatever they are powering. They need to be laid out so that they will not tangle as you pull them out. You may want to staple the wire (using bronze (or stainless steel if they are made) staples) though I don’t remember stapling except in the block channels. I vaguely remember leaving the wires tight but swinging loose between the blocks, not a smart way of doing it. If (and I recommend it) you staple the wires to the after piece between the blocks you will need extra wire. Make sure the wiring harness is not too big for the channel.
Now the fun begins. You may need help, even a lot of help, for this step. You are now going to glue up the whole mast. You will need to know the working time of the glue you are using and you have to get it all done before the glue sets up.
Our mast press was set up with a narrow table just outside the press proper. I’ll go through this as if you have something similar. (I will draw up the press as we had it, and give an idea of how you can do it without that one.) Put the after piece, with the solid blocking glued in place and with the wiring where it should be, on this table. You will be putting on the side piece that is “on the other side of the mast” first. Glue the sides of the blocks and the mating parts (per glue instructions) full length and put the side piece on. Line up the two pieces at the head, letting the foot fall were it will (all four pieces should be longer than you need so that after the glue sets and you have shaped the head and sanded the mast you can cut it the right length as you make the step tenon). I nail it in place to hold it together until its in the press (one nail to a block placed where they will not be in the way of the press). Don’t drive the nails home (they come out after the glue sets). Do the same with the near side piece. Last is the top (forward) piece, you shouldn’t need nails here. As you put on each piece the wires that exit through that piece are stuck through pre-drilled holes. Since we used a urea-formaldehyde glue we put the glue on only one surface and that reduced the possibility of getting into the already spread glue as we held the piece up and put the wire in the hole. Slide this assembly into the press and press until set.
The next step is the part I enjoyed most. I spent an entire work day sharpening my chisels and planes, because here’s where you carve out the mast. Pull the mast out of the press, put it on your mast work table, and sand it down. Here’s where you sand the proud parts flush and sand off the glue Two pieces of spruce are now glued to the head (see diagram below). These extend the head fore and aft and provide additional support for the mast head fitting.
I had a one horsepower router with a one inch radius “bull nose” bit (quarter round) to ‘nose over’ the corners from the foot to where the taper begins (8 feet from the top). Then with plane and chisel I would carve out a tapering bull nose to the top. Wind up with about a 3/8th inch (or slightly smaller) radius at the top. The small radius must be large enough for fiberglass to lay on the wood properly. Hand sand this unless you like power tools. I liked the hand work, and I was getting paid by the hour. The first set of masts I built I did all the bull nosing with plane and chisels. It doesn’t take all that long and is a joy to do.
A slot is now made fore and aft through the head for the halyard sheave. The bottom of this is shaped to shed water (see diagram). This is centered on the middle thru bolt hole in the head fitting
The mast now gets two layers of fiberglass. You may need another way to do this, but we first fiberglass the head down to below the head fitting. The fitting is now installed. We had fittings to attached to the head and foot that allowed the mast to be suspended so that the entire mast was clear to apply the ‘glass (see diagram). The rest of the mast was now given the two layers of fiberglass. It was then sanded smooth and (if I remember correctly) was given a layer of clear resin. After that cured the mast was varnished. It always amazed me that the finished product looked like varnished wood with no fiberglass.
Now go fishing. Fish out all the wires and pull out all the slack. You have to cut off from over the wire holes. Needle nose pliers are useful here. You will chew up a little of the wood in doing this—there’s no other way. Use a silicon seal to waterproof each hole.
The fiberglassing process covered the halyard sheave slot, so cut out all the glass that is not attached to the wood and sand the edge of the glass smooth. You now have bare wood inside the slot. We applied a layer of silicon seal on the wood to waterproof it. Keep it as smooth as possible, remembering that the sheave has to be able to turn freely.
This will be typed and read faster than it can be done: install all fittings and rigging and step the mast. Now you can sail a ketch rigged Newporter.
One thing about the joining of house and deck. The lags at that joint were considered by the builders to be holding the deck up, not the house down. Granted the house was installed (completely built in another shop and brought to the hull as a unit) well before the interior was built. The bottom edge of the house was planned down the correct curve fore and aft (this curve seen as you look at the side of the house horizonally--the other curve was molded in) and beveled to match what the deck would eventially be. The two bulkheads boxing in the main cabin held the house while the deck was fastened to the house. Prior to this fastening the deck sagged somewhat and the lagging held it up in place. I'm sure the interior, as it was built in after this process, supports the deck from below. Interesting work and a good job.
A warning to those of you who own late model Jersey built boats: The Leesburg boat (the last built), and I don't know on which boat this started (Ack may have started it on the boats he built at his shop after the Dorchester yard quit building), had one 3/4 inch layer and the other was smaller, I think 5/8 inch but it may have been 1/2 inch. I do not know which is what. Measure the thickness before you route it out for the overlap joint
Aww, come on -- your pumping! I'll look at the stuff you mentioned and make comments, but from memory (without looking) I think the "Leesburg boat" is just my way of saying "the Newporters built in Leesburg." Here in New Jersey they were built first at the Stowman yard, later Dorchester Ship(building) (these two are really one yard with different ownerships; same builders), then Ack built a yard down the river that only built Newporters, then he sold the rights to the Leesburg yard (owned by Whitehead Brothers sandplant, run by them under the "Newporter Shipyard" title if I remember correctly) and he (Ack, remember Ack?) moved back to California and worked as a yacht broker for a friend of his.
The subject that brought up the "Leesburg" boat was the thickness of the cabin sides. It started out at Stowman's (well, really long before Stowman's) as two layers of 3/4 inch but at Leesburg it was one 3/4 inch with a thinner second piece (5/8th inch to my very poor memory). Exactly when it changed I do not know; Ack probably changed it at his shop. If your sides do not measure more than the 1-1/2 inches the two layers make without glue and fiberglass yours is a thin sided cabin. I see no trouble in that. But, maybe windows designed for the thicker sides have been place in the thinner sides and caused some leaking. I really think not. (All this reminds me, I'd like to see a list of hull numbers, year and place of build; present name and and any confirmed previous names could be helpful. This list would aid in answering some questions that come up.)
If the pictures you mentioned are from that two page spread about Newporter building, yes, I knew some of those men. My first duties where in the shop doing the scarfing work. The article was published before I started at Stowman's. A side note is that the yard was well known for building 64' (65 footers had a whole new set of laws so they were kept at 64') fishing party boats. They had watertight bulkheads made of 3/4 in marine grade plywood. I made one plank 12' X about 110' for each one built. Now that was a sheet of plywood!
Back to the first sentence in this: don't hesitate to scratch my brain. It might cause something good to pour out.
SORRY - I can't seem to get this blueprint to load right now, so if you want to see it go to stem/keelson FORUM for complete discussion as well as photos. bob
Clyde commented on this when he sent the blueprint. "When you get it note the forward end of the keelson on the plan view that shows the top. It shows the forward end of the keelson notched on both sides. This allows frame 7 to match frames 1- 6 for distance between the lower frame members (frames 8 – 40 span the keelson). The forefoot’s after end butts the deadwood section of the keel below the keelson and at the forward end of the ballast keel. This print does not show the joint between the forefoot and the stem. In construction these two pieces are joined first and that unit is then joined to the deadwood and keelson at the same time (the keelson is a “splint” as in joining two pieces of a broken bone). All this is bolted together, best of my knowledge, and is further strengthened by the planking. Hope this helps!"
The diameter is easily checked just forward of the stuffing box, but your question does seem to be about the length. Getting the length after the shaft is removed should not slow the work very much; all that has to be done is the cutting to length. It's the machine work of tapering to match the shaft and propeller tapers (the propeller may also have to be re-tapered) that takes the time. The taper for the propeller should be done before cutting to length to ensure having the correct length.
I looked at my drawing on boom rigging and noticed that it doesn't show where to put the hooks. The eye locations are all given; they are all on the port side of the booms. The hooks are located half way between the eyes on the opposite side of the booms. The drawing shows an end view indicating the track at North, the eyes at Nor'west, and the hooks Nor'east. A length of shock cord is run through the eyes end to end, hog ringed at the ends so it doesn't pull through the end eyes (set up with a little tension at rest).
Now, do I like them? You bet! Without them you must drape your sail stops over the booms (under the sails) and tie each one as you furl. With the shock cord furling you furl the sail and just pick up the cord between the eyes, stretch it over the sail to the hook and proceed to the next one. Much faster. I must admit that all of my experience was with new shock cork so I don't know how long the shock cord maintains its strength.
MIZZEN SAIL RIGGING - this is a slightly disjointed conversation about mizzen staysails because with my helmstation modification the mizzen boom will be higher than usual and go through the helmstation roof, so we are discussing the implications. The questions are mine in an email. What is given here are regular rigging details.
2—but, if the backstays connect to the davits then the mizzen boom is limited in travel ?
The backstays are used one at a time. On port tack (booms off to the starboard) the port backstay is used, therefore the boom has all the room it needs. The starboard backstay is hooked by the mizzen upper shroud chainplate. Here’s the cost of flying the mizzen stays’l: while going about, the sheet must be removed from the sail and passed to the opposite side, the tack pendant and the halyard also must change sides (in short, the sail is taken down and then reset). The process would go like this: take down the mizzen stays’l, come about and set the ‘other’ sails to suit, and then reset the stays’l. This sail sheets on the lee with tack pendant and the halyard are to the weather.
3--and does the tension of the mizzen stays'l sheet affect the mizzen sail sheet or trim?
The sheet is normally (your rig will not be normal) runs from the clew of the sail to a snatch block hanging on a boom bail (same as used on the main stays’l boom) at the outboard end of the mizzen boom, through a double block (that replaces the single block for the mizzen sheet) hanging under the gooseneck fitting fastened to the mast then down to the top action winch and cleat on the aft face of the mast. This is where I see the greatest problem for you (if you are going to rig a stays’l). The fact that the sheet runs to the outboard end of the mizzen boom tells us that some of the stress of the stays’l pull is transferred to the mizzen sheet down to the double padeye that holds the lower block to the inside of the transom. But this interference is not excessive (based on the fact that people had success in sailing that way). The stress carried by the double block, winch, and cleat do not affect the mizzen trim because these are stationary and at the pivot point of the mizzen boom. It is the turning block at the outboard end of the boom that provides all interference with the mizzen trim
To help you get a handle on the ground plate: it should never be painted. It is made pithy; this is the wisdom of the plate—it is rather small but equals many square feet of copper sheet for proper grounding. It is attached to the lead keel with bronze bolts to insure electrical connection. It is one of those things that is treated like a zinc anode (no paint, make sure it’s there and sound on all haul-outs) but is not a sacrificial metal—bronze in on the high end of nobility, zinc is on the low end. Therefore, its presence is one of the reasons the zincs dissolve. I have Jamestown Distributors ( ) in my Favorites list for the main purpose to window-shop. Search for Dynaplate. It lists four sizes, the standard size (memory again) is what I think was used. Personally I’d go to the next size. Standard size is $77.33 and the next size is $123.73; standard equals 12 sq. feet, D8 (next size) equals 20. Prices go to over $400. Standard amounts to $6.44 a sq. foot and D8 is $6.19. The $400 one is just over $4.00.
Now to its hook-up. Going to the print “_0019.pdf” the strap is under the nut of the third bolt from the after end. This is (should be according to the print) just ahead of the number 23 frame. That frame is home for the #23 Bulkhead—the ‘wall’ between the doghouse and main cabin. The strap leads to the port side and a heavy (single strand, I think) wire goes to the lag piercing the bottom of the chainplate for the port lower mizzen shroud (going up into the bottom surface of the solid blocking acting as a mount for the chainplate). The print calls for the strap to be under the washer for the bolt. I think I’d like to have it between two washers under the nut. But the principal here is that the strap must remain stationary while tightening the nut. The top washer of two may have less friction against the bottom washer than the single washer has against the wood of the apron. I would suggest that you find the wire on the chainplate (make sure it’s there). In the boats I rigged the spring stay (between the mast heads) was used as an antenna and was therefore insulated from the rest of the rig. Radios of today do not use that type of antenna so present springstays should not be insulated. Go to my picture Ning thing ( ) for my working drawing for the springstay, right hand column, third row down, to see the insulators. I mention this only because with the insulators the two masts are separated electrically, so there must be a wire from one of the main chainplates to one for the mizzen. My guess is the main lower aft shroud. Come to think of it, I may be wrong on which chainplates are used: The lowers do not connect electrically with the uppers, and the uppers are the one you want to use for lightning protection. I did not do that work so I don’t know, so you may even find that all the chainplates are wired together (or at least one upper of both masts). I have been struck by lightning many times, but never in a Newporter (which may only mean I’ve never been near lightning in a Newporter). One strike did much more damage than the cost of even the most expensive Dynaplate.
Views: 647
LINKS ===============
Muf, our Keeper of the Roster, has updated it. But he still needs information on boats out there that he doesn't have, like new owners, old owners, where any of the boats are. We don't post the roster on the web site, it is only sent to owners. Please send him anything you might have, or call him at:
909 561 4245
Captain Clyde's Newporter sites:
The Ning site has been given a reprieve. I have transferred my Ning site to the blogspot site and will leave it there. I am keeping my Ning site open as a home for my photos and drawings.
Many of my photos there do not relate to Newporters, but a search through my collection may prove useful for your studies.
My drawings are not accurate in many respects as a result of the PAINT program used to draw them, There is no accurate scale and at best they are only useful to indicate some specific detail. Some are inaccurate because of my poor memory. Use them to help you think, not as a detailed presentation of the subject matter.
If any of you want to start a web site I suggest you remember what has happened to both my Ning site and this site (which is a Ning site) and remember that my Blogspot site is free and Blogspot's owner (Google) has promised to keep it that way.
Clyde's email:
Put 'Newporter' on Subject Line. Email is the best way to contact me. I do not regularly look at this site or its messaging system. Email will get to me post-haste.
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